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The Obverse is a pocket and alternate universe. The Doctor is not the Doctor (nor is he alien), Iris Wildthyme hails from the Obverse. The Obverse is connected to the Doctor's by the Enclave, a pocket galaxy.
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Crossover Alternate Universes are pretty self-explanatory. For example, if you want to have your character attend Hogwarts, take a trip with the crew of the Enterprise, or maybe fight some zombies, put a thread here.
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Alternate Universes

Chaos in Time is the original work of Ace and D.G.. Any and all content is copyrighted to Chaos in Time. Copying, altering, or stealing any of the site's content is prohibited. All of Chaos in Time'S characters are the original work of their owners may not be replicated or stolen. All images and graphics belong to their rightful owners and Chaos in Time does not claim to own any of them. The skin was created by TIMELAPSE OF WICKED WONDERLAND and was recolored by D.G..