We are a small but welcoming group of Doctor Who enthusiasts that also share a love for Roleplay! We have members of all sorts of RP styles and levels of experience, so don't be shy if you're new! We all start somewhere!
As far as plot goes, it is fairly free reign, with the occasional structured event. Storylines range from Canon to Alternate Universe tellings and anywhere in between! Imagination is your only limitation with the possibilities!
So, go on and browse our canon list and see who's free to snatch up! OR, if you have an original character, we eagerly welcome those as well!
We can't wait to get to know you! Happy RPing!!
09/19/2017 Mandatory Activity Checks are now a thing of the past!!
No one enjoys doing RP posts when it feels like a chore. So we are doing away with it completely. There are still some posting requirements, but we hope this will make things feel much more relaxed. Be sure to review our rules to get all the details.
No Events have been planned or scheduled, yet. Be sure to check back in. If you have an ideas for events, feel free to contact staff or leave a reply in our suggestion box.
Hello, my name is KrunchyKroton. I have been lurking about in the shadows for a bit, but I think it's about high time I got out of them.
I'm a long-time Doctor Who fans looking to get more involved in the roleplaying bit. However, I do have a bit of a problem with completing characters. I've got so many ideas that it sometimes gets difficult to choose what to go with for my first character.
I hope to make a lot of friends here and hopefully improve my skills as a roleplayer. So...uh...HI GUYS.
Heey! It's Ananas, one of the four admins here. I like to call us Team TARDIS. Actually I just thought of that, but it's pretty cool so now I'm officially changing us to Team TARDIS.
And we're a really friendly bunch here at Chaos, so I'm sure you're going to make a lot of friends. Any fan of the Second Doctor is a friend of mine! <3
Also it's fine. You can post here or ask us for help in the cbox. There is a 93.67% chance one of us will always be in the cbox. Trust - I've done the math. ^__^
The most difficult part of doing a profile is actually starting to write one. I'm all like "Yes! This is a good idea!" but then once I start writing it changes to "No! It's a trainwreck!"
Although, that's more or less a problem with my attitude towards my own work. It gets difficult to finish anything when I keep questioning the quality of my own writing.
Ooooooo... New shiny person. -noms on cheerfully- *w*
Kinda krunchy.. -waits for rotten tomatoes- Ananas, can we keep him? I'll feed him and pet him and take him on walks!.
All joking aside, Welcome, I'm D.G. one of the mods. And don't worry too much about your writing.. there is always room for all of us to improve and no one here judges. Take your time and let your Muse flow. You'll know when the time is right. Also, fair warning... I love everyone so if I get a bit touchy feely with you, don't freak out.. that's just me being a lush.
Oh yeah, that happens to all of us. I usually just turn off my little Ananas and get to writing. Which not everyone can do, but I'm pretty used to not thinking. You could always test out your character in the cbox. It tends to give you a better feel for their personality (like how they respond to a hyperactive alien lover, a hateful TARDIS, or a schizophrenic 'human' who steals people's shoes and blames it on gremlins)...
Chaos in Time is the original work of Ace and D.G.. Any and all content is copyrighted to Chaos in Time.
Copying, altering, or stealing any of the site's content is prohibited.
All of Chaos in Time'S characters are the original work of their owners may not be replicated or stolen.
All images and graphics belong to their rightful owners and Chaos in Time does not claim to own any of them.
The skin was created by TIMELAPSE OF WICKED WONDERLAND and was recolored by D.G..